Board Of Directors & Liasons

Gail Sadler, DNP, MSN, APRN-BC, FAANP | Founder/President
Family Practice Medicine
Dr. Sadler, graduated from the University of Tampa with her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Nursing. She completed her Doctorate in Nursing Practice from Frontier Nursing University. She received her Master’s in Nursing from the University of Tampa in Family Health Nursing and a post masters from Turo University California in International Health. She currently is a Family NP with a thriving practice in Integrated Functional medical care promoting preventive care. She developed an independent Nurse Practitioner office, which is used today after nine years of many renovations as a Florida State NP practice modality. As a practice owner, she advocates for NPs owning and managing practices providing needed services to multi-cultural and underserved groups as well as general patient populations. She monitors legislation and lobbies for legislation that affects NPs’ ability to provide access to care in accordance to their educational ability, in a state that is not favorable to NP owned offices. Her interest in Women’s health and Children’s health has allowed her to expand community services for women and children who have survived cancer.

T. Jeanne Merritt, PhD, MSN-C, APRN, FNP, FAANP | Vice-President
Family Practice Medicine
Jeanne Merritt has been a family nurse practitioner since 1975. Dr. Merritt has been actively involved in the evolution of the role of the nurse practitioner and on the legislative forefront as practitioners gained legitimacy andprescriptive authority.She cofounded two nurse managed clinics that service vulnerable populations. These clinics provided practice sites for multi-disciplinary students, faculty, and research. Dr. Merritt managed to integrate clinical practice, excellence ineducation and research into amodel for practice. She has been and continues to be involved at the local, state and national levels in legislative issues, lobbying andmonitoring of health care bills. She was recently elected Region 11 director and board member of AANP. Dr. Merritt opened a nursemanaged clinic this year that is dedicated to nurse practitioner practice combining traditional and non-traditional methods in managing clients with chronic illness.

Jean Aertker, DNP, FNP-BC, APRN, COHN-,FAANP |
Family Practice Medicine
Dr. Aertker exemplifies entrepreneurial leadership and nursing advocacy. Over 28 years, Dr. Aertker has built three unique models of NP practice including the first NP joint faculty practice at USF, four NP managed hospital-based occupational health clinics and for 11 years has owned a practice in Tampa, Florida.
Dr. Aertker is one of the original founding members of AANP serving two-terms as AANP State Representative and chair of the AANP nominations committee. She is a founding member of FNPN and current treasurer.
NP peers validate their respect for her leadership and advocacy and widely recognize her as an expert clinician, political activist, entrepreneur, teacher, mentor and role model.

Francis "Ed" Neuzil Jr., PhD, MSN, APRN-BC |
Family Practice Medicine
Dr. Ed Neuzil, has been an Adult Practitioner for 19 years. In his Business tenure whenever he wanted to learn something, "Ed" Neuzil took a class and learned it. That explains his impressive education, which boasts no fewer than seven degrees and his accomplishment as an entrepreneur in the business health care realm.
For the past 17 years, Dr. Neuzil has owned an allergy, sinus, and asthma practice in Central Florida, where he’s developed a saline nasal spray that is now in national distribution, "The Irrigator". Dr. Neuzil is a founding member of the Nurse Practitioners in Business and holds memberships in various associations. With his experience and exemplified success, he brings much guidance and knowledge to NP's who are in the healthcare business.